Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition of the hand, wrist, and arm caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist. The carpal tunnel is a tunnel, or passageway, inside the wrist. The passageway protects the median nerve to the hand and the tendons that bend the
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When it comes to pain management, there are few pains more debilitating than myofascial pain. Myofascial Pain Syndrome is caused by the repeated contractions of muscles common with people who love fitness. This is common among my active Boulder clientele. It’s one of the reasons that it
Read more →For thousands of years, people used essential oils for their medicinal, purifying, and therapeutic properties. That is to say, we can find descriptions of the healing power of essential oils in nearly every corner of the world! Yes, from the biblical texts and Egyptian history, to ancient
Read more →Relieve Your Pain Through Massage Many people in the US today suffer from chronic pain, headaches and exhaustion but do not know the cause. Not only is the physical pain difficult to manage, but the mental toll can also be an intense burden. What are the Symptoms
Read more →Back pain affects many people here in Boulder and in the rest of the Western world. As a result, people might miss work and suffer from other health problems. Many individuals do not know that deep-tissue massage can relieve several types of back pain. Deep Tissue massage
Read more →There was a time in history when many people believed the best thing for chronic back pain was rest and some more rest. Nowadays that’s not the case anymore. Especially here in Boulder, many believe rest is the last thing you need to rid yourself of chronic
Read more →“Your body is your vehicle for life. As long as you are in it, live in it. Love, honor, respect and cherish it, treat it well, and it will serve you in kind.” ~ Suzy Prudden Walking around Boulder, America’s startup capital, you’ll see almost everybody looking at their
Read more →Even in the Boulder bubble, we get stressed…Stress is caused by the body and mind reacting to changes in the environment. In moderation, stress can be a good thing, helping keep the mind sharp and the reflexes fast. Problems start when stress becomes constant, and an individual
Read more →Each year it seems as soon as the calendars read “October,” the holidays have begun. This moment, when the massive bags of candy hit the shelves in stores here in Boulder. To the last sigh you heave at cleaning up after the New Year’s celebration. It’s a
Read more →How many times have you been so burnt out from working a long shift, sitting at your computer all day, chasing after your kids and the dog, or having just climbed a mountain (such as me on Mt. Sanitas in Boulder, CO), that your whole body hurts?
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