Kids Massage and Healing Session

Massage is appropriate for people of all ages, right from infancy to toddler, child, teenager, adult, and the elderly. Heavenly Embrace Wellness is delighted to officially offer the kids massage and healing session and to make it a part of our menu of services.
Massage is a wonderful stress-buster!
Kids, especially the active ones, of all ages 0-18 year of age will benefit from massage therapy just like Mom and Dad.
This modality is a wonderful stress-buster! Some kids experience physical effects of stress, including stomachaches and headaches. Others have trouble concentrating or completing schoolwork. Still others become withdrawn or spend a lot of time alone.
In fact, stress has been identified as a major contributor to exacerbated symptoms in children with chronic illness and mental health difficulties. Controlling stress is crucial for children with diabetes, asthma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), and skin problems. As stress hormone levels rise, symptoms increase.

Massage for typical children’s health issues
A few of the typical Children’s health issues are growing pains, headaches, even migraines. Intestinal disorders, anxieties and sleep issues are fairly common as well. Certainly, all of these issues can be assisted by a gentle session that combines physical light to medium pressure and healing energy work.
We are welcoming guardians to stay in the clinic at the time of the session.
This session will promote health and well-being for children and adolescent ages 6 months to 18 years. From baby to teenager, at Heavenly Embrace Wellness we want to make this healing experience as best as possible for your child.
**Most often, in this treatment, I’ll be using dōTERRA, my trusted brand essential oils to address different issues and concerns.
Please let me know if your child has any smell aversion.
Liraz is a gifted healer. Her massage was both strong and gentle, anticipating what was needed for each muscle. Her office is beautiful and relaxing. She has all the amenities for pampering and the strength for deep tissue. I loved the essential oils throughout. Highly recommend!
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